What We Do

A group of residents who care about our community and want to see others thrive within it, we’ve continued planning events since 2021 after the Merchant’s Association disbanded.

Annual Events:

Leprechaun Contest (Photo Treasure Hunt, March 1 through St. Patrick’s Day)

Color Fun Run in March or April (final date yet to be announced)

Easter Egg Hunt on the Library Lawn - March 30, 2024

Townwide yard sale, the first Saturday in May (May 4, 2024)

Townwide Cleanup Day, the second Saturday in May (May 11, 2024)

Second Annual Watermelon Run (July or August TBD)

Fall Bash (Trunk or Treat, King and Queen Costume Contest, Chili Cook-off, Chili Dinner Meals) October 27

Holiday Market and Christmas around the Square (Santa Photos, Live Entertainment, Parade) December 14th

Monthly Events:

Monthly Farmers Market (Starting in June, Ending in September TBD)

Family Movie Night (tentatively May 18, 2024)

Beginning in March we host food trucks on the town square twice per month.

How you can support us:

We would love for you to attend our events, share our site with friends and family in the area, and like our Facebook page to stay up to date!